Frequently Asked Questions
Why does it matter that I see an endodontist for my GentleWave procedure?
The GentleWave System was created especially for endodontists, who have an additional two to three years of specialized training beyond dental school. While all endodontists are dentists, not all dentists are endodontists. Endodontists are specialists in treating tooth pain and saving the tooth.
Will the GentleWave procedure "kill" my tooth?
No. We indeed remove the pulp of the tooth during the root canal procedure. However, it will still function just as a natural tooth, and we will preserve the connection to the surrounding gums and bone.
How many sessions will it take to complete the GentleWave procedure?
Most GentleWave procedures can be completed in a single session. Additionally, since the technology effectively disinfects and cleanses the root canal system, there is a low risk of root canal retreatment.
How is the GentleWave procedure more minimally invasive than a traditional root canal?
Instead of using an excess of instrumentation, the GentleWave System uses a vortex of procedure fluids. As a result, most patients describe the treatment as relatively painless, especially if they have undergone traditional root canals in the past.
Will I need a root canal retreatment after a GentleWave procedure?
As previously mentioned, there is a low risk of root canal retreatment with a GentleWave procedure. However, patients must still take proper care of the treated tooth after the treatment to further minimize this risk. Brush at least twice daily, floss at least once nightly, and avoid hard foods.
Will my insurance cover the GentleWave procedure?
Since every insurance policy is different, the best way to get the answer to this question is to speak directly to a representative of your health insurance provider. We can help with this process. However, be aware that the procedure is typically not classified as a standard root canal treatment.