Why You Should See an Endodontist If Your Tooth Has Been Injured

Endodontist Lone Tree, CO

An endodontist might be precisely what you need if you have an injured tooth. These oral professionals have up to three years of additional training after dental school, learning how to diagnose and treat teeth injuries.

Regardless of the severity of the damage to a tooth, most injuries require dental treatment. The severity of the injury only determines how soon you need to see a dentist. Mild injuries to a tooth often do not cause any pain or bleeding, and their damage often appears to be primarily aesthetic. There is more to teeth injuries than that, though. Even the mildest chip often strips away a layer of protective enamel, leaving the less durable inner layers of a tooth exposed to oral bacteria and the acids they produce.

More severe damage to a tooth requires immediate treatment since that can be the difference between saving the tooth or having it extracted. Such injuries are often accompanied by excruciating toothaches and blood coming from the tooth. The injury also leaves the tooth vulnerable to infection.

How an endodontist can repair your damaged tooth

Treatments an endodontist might recommend for a damaged tooth vary based on the severity of the damage. Some of the popular treatments that can be used to fix damaged teeth include:

1. Composite bonding

This involves rebuilding a damaged tooth with composite resin. It is often recommended for mild to moderate damage that does not affect a tooth’s pulp. The composite restores the tooth's appearance and covers the more delicate inner layers of a tooth.

2. Crown

Crowns are arguably the most used restorations in dentistry. Also known as caps, they completely cover the visible part of a tooth, protecting it from acids and bacteria in the mouth. The crown also keeps the rest of the tooth intact and protects it from bite forces. Crowns are a long-term solution that restores the tooth’s function and appearance. A well-maintained crown can last up to 25 years.

Endodontists typically recommend crowns for moderate to severe damage to teeth that still have their pulp chamber intact. The restoration can also be used to protect teeth that have been restored with a root canal.

3. Root canal

Also known as endodontic therapy, this procedure is performed when damage to a tooth leaves the soft tissues in its pulp chamber exposed to bacteria in the mouth. Once a tooth’s pulp chamber has been compromised, it is only a matter of time before it becomes infected.

A root canal can be used to clean out the pulp chamber and seal the tooth, significantly reducing the risk of infection. The treatment can also be used to address existing infections. The procedure involves cleaning out the pulp chamber and sealing the tooth back up.

We can treat your injured tooth

You might end up losing your injured tooth if you fail to get the treatment it needs. Give us a call or visit our Lone Tree clinic to set up an appointment with our endodontist.

Request an appointment here: http://southdenverendodontics.com or call South Denver Endodontics – Root Canal Specialists at (303) 968-1350 for an appointment in our Lone Tree office.

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