Ask an Endodontist About Treatment for a Knocked Out Tooth

Endodontist Lone Tree, CO

An endodontist is not someone you see regularly. But when you have a need, you will be grateful that this professional has the knowledge and training to help. Endodontists focus on diagnosing the causes of tooth pain. They will also treat various conditions, including a knocked-out tooth. There are a few different ways the dentist can approach this issue.

Understanding the role of an endodontist

People of all ages should see a general dentist at least every six months for checkups and cleanings. Specialty dentists such as endodontists offer services when there is an urgent need. Some patients never have to make an appointment with one of these professionals. However, for something such as a knocked-out tooth, endodontists are the right choice.

An endodontist is a dentist that has additional training in handling problems that affect the tooth’s pulp. This chamber houses nerves, vessels, and other tissue. When it becomes infected, the patient can feel severe pain. The infection can threaten the entire tooth and requires prompt treatment. Endodontists regularly perform root canals to handle these conditions.

How a knocked-out tooth can affect a person

Teeth can fall out if there is enough outside force and trauma. For example, a blow to the face from an object or a hard fall to the ground can dislodge a tooth. Biting into hard food or an object can have the same effect. Once the tooth is out, the person can feel extensive pain. It makes the mouth prone to developing an infection. There are also cosmetic impacts, as the person may feel embarrassed about now having a gap in their mouth.


The endodontist may be able to place the lost tooth back into the socket. This will depend on whether there is damage to the tooth and whether the patient has periodontal disease or other serious oral health issues. After placing the tooth back in the socket, the dentist will splint it to adjacent teeth. This prevents the tooth from moving, which also enables any damaged bone to heal. After about six weeks, the dentist can remove the splint.


If it is not possible to place the tooth back into the socket, the endodontist may recommend getting an implant. A dental implant can last up to 20 years or more. It is made of a titanium post and a natural-looking crown. An implant restores the person’s smile and the full function of the mouth.


For multiple knocked-out teeth, the endodontist may suggest that the patient explores dentures. These consist of a gum-colored acrylic base and artificial teeth. The teeth are usually made of ceramic, porcelain, or metal covered in plastic. Dentures can either be removable or fixed to implants.

There are solutions for a knocked-out tooth

Losing a permanent tooth is certainly not a good situation. Aesthetically, it can be difficult on your smile. There are also health concerns that accompany this condition. The good news is that an endodontist may be able to salvage the tooth and reimplant it. If not, this dentist can recommend some effective treatments.

Are you considering seeing an endodontist in the Lone Tree area? Get more information at

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